You say I want to save my marriage but you don't know where to start? This article discusses the factors involved in breaking a marriage and helps you identify the factors that will help you save my marriage.
First of all, you need to look at the underlying problems. What is causing trouble? Some of these problems can be the communication, the money and the stress of raising children. If you say you want to save my marriage, you must first identify the central problems.
For some people, communication is at the heart of their marital struggle. The daily stress of life interferes with the type of conversation that lubricates a relationship. These couples need to make time to talk to save my marriage. There needs to be a time every day where you sit and talk. Maybe you can get up 15 minutes early and have breakfast together instead of having a muffin at work. Or, have the children wash the dishes and take a walk after dinner. Whatever needs to be done to have time to share the small details of the day is important.
But communication problems can go beyond that. You may be avoiding big problems because they are too stressful. You may need to schedule a weekend to work on your relationship. This may be a wise investment to save my marriage.
Other times, money is at the heart of marital problems. Especially in these difficult economic times, the lack of money to pay basic expenses can make marriages break. Ironically, when marriages are broken by these financial problems, there are actually fewer resources to support two households.
Sometimes there is a basic difference in philosophy about how money should be spent. For example, some people believe that money should be saved for a rainy day. Others prefer an aggressive investment strategy. There are people who think that money should be enjoyed to buy nice things in the present. And, there are people who think nothing of going into debt to get the things they want. If you and your spouse have conflicting money styles, you may have relationship problems. If you're saying that I want to save my marriage, you should have a discussion about money styles and reach a consensus on how resources will be allocated.
Another source of stress in relationships are children. If you have different philosophies about how children should be raised, there may be endless discontent. If children know that a parent's decision may be nullified by an appeal to the other parent, there will be a stress on marriage. If there is a difference of opinion about how discipline should be carried out, you can expect problems.
Sit down and draw up a parenting plan. Modify as children grow and their needs change. Once again, communication is key to solving these problems by raising a successful family.
It's easy to be frustrated with your relationship in today's complex world. But if you're saying, "I want to save my marriage," work on these issues and you'll find yourself living again as newlyweds.
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