Most people who want to lose weight hear about the cabbage soup Diet at least once in their life. Supposedly, this diet helps him miraculously drop 10-15 pounds in 7 days. Many people when they first hear about this diet believe it is "new " or "revolutionary" or even that it is a "secret" diet. When today, none of the above is true.
There are many misconceptions about this diet, including origins. Some sources claim that the diet was created by a famous doctor; Some sources attribute it to respectable hospitals, etc. The diet does not come from a famous doctor or hospital. The true origins of this diet are unknown to this day.
This diet seems to have emerged for the first time in the decade of 1980. It spread quickly through the fax machine. Once the internet came, it spread quickly that way. This is one of those fad diets that never seem to die or disappear.
What is the cabbage soup diet?
The Cabbage Soup Diet is a 7-day feeding plan. The diet, as its name suggests, focuses on a soup that consists mainly of cabbage. The food plan is below:
Day 1-Cabbage soup and any type of fruit you would like to eat, except bananas.
Day 2-cabbage soup and any vegetable you are interested in eating. You may also have a baked potato that has a small amount of butter.
Day 3: Cabbage soup and any fruit or vegetable you are interested in eating, with the exception of potatoes or plantains.
Day 4-Cabbage soup and bananas. You can eat up to 8 bananas. You can also take as much skim milk as you want.
Day 5-cabbage and veal soup. You can have up to 20 ounces of beef this day along with the cabbage soup. You can also eat up to 6 tomatoes.
Day 6-unlimited cabbage and meat soup. This day you can eat as much meat as you want to eat. You can also have as many vegetables as you like, except the potatoes.
Day 7-Cabbage soup and brown rice. You can also have any vegetable you want this day, except potatoes. You can also drink sugar-free fruit juice this day.
It should be noted that you can eat as much cabbage soup as you want on any day. You must eat the cabbage soup at least 3 times a day. It should also be noted that there are other variations of this diet.
The above may not be the exact diet of the cabbage soup you have stumbled into. The main ingredients usually consist of the following: cabbage, onions, carrots, tomatoes, peppers and condiments. The ingredients for the cabbage soup also tend to vary.
Does this diet work?
Yes and No. The diet can work if you really adhere to it during the 7 days. You're severely limiting your calorie intake. Since you have to eat the same thing every day, you'll probably tend to make you want to eat less soup, which will further restrict your daily calorie intake.
If you expect weight loss to be long-term, don't do it. Most of the weight you lose from this diet will be the weight of the water, not the fat. Once you resume your normal eating habits, the weight you lost will return. In fact, you probably don't just gain the weight you lost while you were in this diet, but you might even gain more weight. You may end up heavier than before starting this diet after resuming your normal eating habits.
Is this diet safe?
No, it isn't. It is highly recommended that you do not follow the cabbage soup diet. This diet is not nutritionally healthy. In fact, it may become poorly nourished in this diet. You should never eat less than 1200 calories unless instructed by a doctor. This diet can make you dangerously close to consuming less than 1200 calories. Although it is only a week, it is highly recommended that you do not try this diet.
The Cabbage soup diet lives because there will always be a charm and an attraction to a diet that will help you lose weight quickly. The Cabbage soup Diet is not healthy from a nutritional point of view nor will it provide long-term benefits for weight loss. There are many other safe and nutritious diets that will help you lose weight quickly and easily, if you put the effort into them.
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