Do you want a personal financial advice? Get the finances under control so you can live a better life and finally see the future from a decent perspective. Too many people only react to things that happen in their lives, very few are proactive. Reacting to things that happen to you just means things will keep happening to you, you'll never become a success when you react.
Being proactive, you can see the obstacles before they become obstacles. You can cut the bad things that come from the root before they turn into worse things. Being proactive and establishing a budget with which you can live and get out of debt can help reduce the stress that life brings and also lower your blood pressure.
My personal financial advice to you includes setting goals and plotting a way to achieve them. One by one, you must start with the smallest and work towards the greatest. When you leave, put that money towards the next smaller until you get to the bigger one and then they'll all go and you'll wonder what the hell you were waiting for.
There is no better feeling in the world than getting out of debt and knowing that you will never owe anyone more money. I know how this feels because I've done it. My husband and I were in debt in about $25.000 and with diligence and perseverance I did exactly what I described for you.
I put most of the money in the smallest bill, while I keep the minimum payments of the other bills. I paid one and then put that payment on the next smallest invoice. Again and again, until the last payment of the last bill was there, in my hands, and when I sent that payment and knew for sure that I had done it, I was in the middle of the kitchen and made my version of the Happy dance.
No matter where you are in your financial life, you still have to remember to save some money on savings. This must be your emergency fund and must be equal to at least 3 months of salary. In this way, if something happens to you or your spouse and you cannot continue working, at least you have something to lean on. Three months is the minimum amount. I know a person I know who needs to undergo surgery and is trying to save at least six months of child support expenses. I wish you the best
One way to achieve this emergency fund is to deposit all of your money into a high-interest savings account in which you accumulate enough interest in the balance. Never touch this amount until you really need it. Use it for any emergency situations that arise, but always, always, always replace what was used. This is a very important personal financial Council that you should take into account.
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