Many crude land investors and rent it to another investor who builds an improvement on Earth. This is called land leasing and this type of land investment can be very lucrative. For example, you can own a terrain at a very popular intersection. Currently, this package is doing nothing more than costing you the property tax, so you would like to get some revenue from it but don't want to sell it.
Pharmacies, fast food chains in any number of companies will rent their land for 20 years, pay to build their buildings and eventually have the land and the building. Developers also use land leases, while they would rather buy real estate; The main land in a good location may not be available. Developers do not earn money unless they develop, so they are often forced into a land lease to stay in business.
If there are any areas in major locations that are available for your land investment, consider the following before you jump to the agreement.
* Find an expert lawyer. Don't trust your Realtor to stay informed of all the nuances involved.
* You only want a property that is zoned for your intended use. Do not buy a property based on anyone's word that you can re-modify it once you buy it. Rezoning can take months and by that time your prospective tenant has moved. Many land investment agreements have been left on the table due to zoning disputes.
* Determine if the terrain is edifying. A lot of 40 feet wide by 40 feet deep, but with local laws banning buildings within 25 feet of the property line cannot be built. In addition, if the land is a mosh pit and cannot withstand structures without additional work, it will be difficult to find a developer to lease.
* Are the utilities close? If the terrain is in the middle of nowhere without access to the storm and sanitary sewers, it will be very costly for someone to build on your property and you may not see any return on your investment in the land.
When you find the perfect terrain and a prospective tenant, always use an experienced lease broker to negotiate your transaction. You should also get acquainted with commercial land leases and land investment agreements. You will still need your broker and lawyer, but being a more informed investor and asking the right questions, you can save money if you use your professional's time wisely.
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