There are several foods and types of foods that accelerate the metabolism that can help you burn fat and lose weight. Although it is probably hard to believe that you can lose weight when eating, instead of starving, it is true. You're probably already eating at least some of these foods, at least once in a while. So just add your diet a little more often and reap the benefits of these super foods.
If you like hot food you may already be eating peppers. Cayenne peppers, habanero, jalapenos, are hot foods that accelerate metabolism. Not only do they have a hot flavor, they also make your internal oven work hotter. And the good news is that they continue to increase their metabolism up to 3 hours after eating them. It's a long-lasting fat burn, so if you like hot foods, Aprovéchelas often. Even if you notice what else is in the hot plate, like too many simple carbohydrates and too much fat.
Fish like salmon, sardines and tuna are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which is good for the heart and also helps to accelerate the metabolism. These fish reduce the level of leptin, a hormone, in your system. Studies have shown that the lower levels of leptin make it easier to lose weight and maintain it. Fish are also a great source of lean protein, and protein is an important part of many of the foods that accelerate metabolism.
Protein-rich foods such as eggs, lean meat, legumes (beans), and even often criticized peanut butter will increase their metabolism. Peanut butter is rich in protein and monounsaturated fats, making it a healthy food if consumed sparingly. Choose natural or organic peanut butter to remove hydrogenated oils and sugar, to make it one of the healthiest foods you can imagine. Any natural walnut butter, such as almond butter, offers the same protein reinforcement, with almond butter that offers antioxidants, substances to reduce cholesterol and monounsaturated fats, among other things. Do not leave nuts because they are high in fat, they can be part of your weight loss plan in moderation.
Whole grains such as oatmeal are vitally important foods that accelerate metabolism. Low-carb diets lose these important foods, which provide the glucose and energy needed for the brain to function properly. The reason why whole grains stimulate metabolism, while simple sugars and starches decrease their velocity, is due to the released insulin. The whole grains are slowly digested and put little insulin in the blood. This makes things keep running smoothly. Sugars make the blood sugar increase, causing a strong release of insulin, which immediately tries to store everything as fat. When the sugar is extracted from your blood, you are hungry again and crave more sugar. It's a vicious circle that wreaks havoc on your metabolism.
Fruits and vegetables, especially berries and dark green leafy vegetables, are also excellent sources of vitamins and antioxidants, and they are all foods that accelerate metabolism.
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