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The right way to establish and achieve your goals

People set their goals differently, depending on their current situation, resources, physical capacity, and other factors. However, you can follow some guidelines to make sure your goals are credible and possible. Too many people set their goals too high without knowing it, just to lose and disappoint for life. Here are some tips.

Being specific

Goals should be specific, so you know where you are currently in the process and the particular ways you will achieve it. Most people have goals to promote themselves, enrich themselves, improve relationships and things like that, but they are very vague and their mind can be confused about what it really means. General descriptions generally have no limits, so it always leaves room for mistakes and compromises. If you want results that you can be proud of, be specific.

To be specific, you must include the full details. Write something like:  "I want to get $1 million for October this year ". or  "I need to become a key supervisor of the sales division for next week ." or  "I want my kids, Taylor and Chad, to become best friends starting tomorrow " Include the names, position, quantity, date and everything else needed to train your mind to begin working toward that goal.

Being measurable

Goals must be measurable in order to assess how well you have been doing lately. To help measure your ways and objectives, you should include measurable details. For your work, you can include details such as the amount of hours you are working, the amount you are earning, the staff you drive, etc. For the purpose of money, you can include details such as the amount you want to have as a whole, the number of companies or businesses you own, your contact persons, etc. Always have things and elements to measure so you can understand how close you are to reaching your goals. If your goal is to win $100.000 a month, then you know that you are halfway through if you are already earning $50.000 a month.

Be achievable and realistic

It only sets goals that can possibly be achieved. Some people set goals that are too high to reach, they are almost configuring things that are impossible. Make sure that you only set goals that you can achieve within a given period of time, as long as you have the current resources and capabilities you have. Some examples of impossible goals are doubling your salary overnight, getting a higher promotion than your boss's position, etc. Some goals can be achieved faster compared to others if you have some strengths and ways to support them. Always include a strategic plan for big goals.

Limited in time

Set deadlines to achieve your goals or else you'll never finish anything. Stay specific when setting timelines and schedules. For example, indicate things like  "Spend an hour with my wife every day starting tomorrow (specify the exact date and year) ". Setting the exact time and date will drive you to start working on your goals, rather than postponing it for another time available. Some objectives may take years to complete, so it is wiser to divide them into smaller targets, still complete with deadlines. You can finish everything in a sequence to finally reach the largest.


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