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Do taxes exist online?

(Taxes exist online?!)

So, do you want to start your own online business? Prior to
You start designing your own website or website, do
I'm sure you know all about what you owe and you shouldn't do.
Start an online business and that includes the
Technical, financial and legal issues of the

When you decide to start a business, you must be
Aware and prepared for whatever is legal or financial.
Problems that may arise. If you think you can
Get away from paying taxes starting your own
Online business, think again: your dream balloon can
Bursts once you get into complications regarding taxes
and your online business.

The truth that the Internet is a tax-free zone

More and more buyers are being attracted by online
Stores and retailers because of their famous label line
From  "No tax purchases ". What most people don't know is
That certain label line uses to attract online
Buyers are not applicable to all States.

So you can better understand this concept,
Here's an example: a woman from Indiana regularly
Buy exotic orchids through an online shop based
In Switzerland

Since she buys and sends her payments directly to
Switzerland, you are not obligated to pay any sales tax.
In Indiana since your orchid supplier has all your
Facilities in Switzerland.

A few months later, the exotic orchid supplier of that
The woman has decided to open a store in Indiana. The
The woman still buys online, but she already has to.
Pay the sales tax of the orchid as there are
It is already a store located in the place where it is located.

In other words, the responsibility to pay taxes is
An interdependent state between the consumer and the
Supplier. For that example, we can come to a conclusion.
That the Internet is not really a tax-free zone. That
Depends on the location as well as the type of
Business in which one is involved.

The responsibility to pay the sales tax

Admit it, nobody loves paying taxes. Maybe
Even the rich are irritated, they come paying taxes.
Time because sometimes it's a tedious and complicated task.
Process. There are many rules and laws to refer
Before one can actually come up with a clean calculation of
The taxes you must pay.

If an individual lives in a state that is known to
Collect the "sales tax ", is not exempt from this
Even though he tries to escape from him by making a lot of
Buying through the Internet because you're still
Required to pay the "sales tax" directly to the

When you pay a "sales tax" directly to the state,
No longer called a "sales tax ", but rather a  "use "
Tax. Maybe the only difference between the sales tax.
and the "use" of the tax is reduced to what person: the
Buyer or seller-pays to the state. "Use " taxes are
Generally used by the state to make sure that
Collect the right amount of income in each taxable person
Item purchased within the borders of the state.

There are still many points to be made.
discussed about taxes and online businesses and the
The points mentioned here are just what we can call  "a suggestion
of the iceberg. "

In determining what is right to do in
Tax management and your online business would be
The best thing is to go beyond the search for legal answers alone.
Consult the help of lawyers and other legal entities.
The pros would probably benefit you more than you


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