As poker increases in popularity, so does the number of
Ignorant players who only play for kicks. They interrupt
All the flow of the game and give you a lot of
Disrespect. A certain example is when you say "mal ".
Fold, bad fold! "When he sees that
The irregular flop has hit his hand. Is very annoying
For all players on the table and has cut the
Bluffing element of the round as one has declared.
That he/she has one or two of the cards on the table.
Anyway, follow these basic patterns of good behavior.
To ensure that the game is fair and enjoyable.
Don't talk about your cards after you've folded them
This is one of the most common label infringements.
That people make Similar to the previous situation, there are
Could be cases where someone simply hits the
Table and complains why horrible fold he/she made.
Once again, take the life of the game and take out
Some strategies that can be used in the round.
If you want to show your cards, show it All
There are times when one asks an opponent to show
His hand to them. Sometimes they access the
Ask him and show it to them. But the problem is that
They seem to keep it to themselves as a cute little
Secret. Don't do that in a casino or even cash
Game. It annoys a lot of people. Keep the Game Fair
For everyone.
Muck your hand properly
There are many moments when you just throw your
Card like it was literally junk. Sometimes the cards.
Turn and your hand will show some people
Who even cared to look at you. Again, this leads
The equity element in the game because the
Another player can use this as a base to call or
Fold given that the card cannot be a kicker for
His opponent. So to speak, you're ruining the
Game for a couple of unknown players. Keep things
Form and bend your hand properly by sliding it towards
The dealer uses both hands.
Don't splash your chips
When betting, some people just throw their chips,
Making a horrible splash that hinders the
Dealer to count. This takes unnecessary time and
Drains all the energy from the round and interrupts the
Natural flow of the game. Bet correctly stacking
Your chips and sliding to the center of the
table. Doing that shouldn't be too hard.
Pay attention!
There are people who are spaced in the middle of the
Round and take a little push or an inclined eyebrow
To return it to Earth. Don't make everyone
I remind you it's your turn, please a lot of people
Take poker very seriously and a good number even
Bet with this game as a profession. Respects the
Game, and you'll get respect in return.
Honestly, if you want to be respected in poker.
table. Don't be a brat but a mature person who
He loves to play the game. Minding your manners is a part
Of that. Actually, people shouldn't even talk about
This is because it should be a regular task. And not just
Does it help you at the poker table, but also in life?
In general. Play the game correctly and you both get
Respect and admiration of his companions because of his
Class and love for the game.
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