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Fly Fishing for trout

Fly-fishing is most often performed for the various species of trout that exist in the waters and streams of the western United States. For example, a fly fishing trip to Colorado will find you fishing mostly rainbow trout, but if you are fishing in the Great Lakes region, you will see more sea bass fishing than trout.

The best spots for trout fishing, in addition to Colorado, include North Carolina, Ontario, northern California and Washington. The trout prefer the streams and rivers that can be found in the mountains, in a soft and clear way, so you will get a great scenery while fishing.

Rainbow trout can be wild fish and explosive to engage. Expect him to take some work when he touches down his rainbow when he tries to roll it. These fish have very colorful marks and are the favorite food of many people.

Rainbows thrive in fresh, clear streams and rivers. They prefer a water temperature that oscillates between 55 and 60 degrees. The best time to catch the rainbow is in the spring and fall before spawning. They respond well to a variety of flies, including spinners, serpentines and nymphs.

Brown trout don't fight as hard as rainbows, but they're much more cunning than their cousins. They can be a challenge to hook up in the first place, so use a little patience if your goal is to capture brown trout. They are shy fish who are well aware of their surroundings as well as any predators, including you!

The ideal home for brown trout is a slow flowing stream that contains many small fish. They like the hottest water in the range from 60 to 70 degrees. For the bigger fish, you'll want to fish during the darkest light. They can be captured with dry flies, serpentines and stone-fly nymphs.

The brook trout has a bright coloration and is smaller than its other relatives. They can be pretty wild when they are hooked, so wait a bit to fight with the brook trout. They are not as abundant as the rainbow or the brown, but they can be found. They prefer the coldest water from 40 to 50 degrees.

If you're lucky enough to hook a brook trout, you'll be rewarded. Fish travel in schools, and once the action begins, it can be overwhelming. In the summer, use a spinner and throw in shallow backgrounds. You can also use the bucktail in a sinking line to try to get one of these beauties.

Fly fishing for trout is an exciting experience for any fly fisherman. When you have a rainbow hooked and you have to fight for your own leverage, the challenge can be huge, but when you get that baby out of the water, you'll be satisfied with your performance. Find them and enjoy the experience of trout fly fishing.


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