When you mention fly fishing to people, they often think that you are fishing exclusively for trout. However, there are some amazing places where you can fly fish for low trophy. In the rivers and lakes abound the lows of big mouth and small mouth, so why not try your fly fishing for the bass?
Many experienced fly fishermen report that low-fly fishing can be extremely challenging as well as extremely satisfying. The bass has a bigger mouth than the trout, so its choice of lures is much more diverse. They hit hard and fight hard, so when you're fishing the bass, expect the fight of these guys to excite you!
Experts suggest you use a 6-7 weight rod, but if you have experience, you can use a 4-5 weight rod. If you choose the smallest rod, you may have trouble throwing the larger flies, so be careful. You can use a floating or sunken line with a weight forward. You must have a leader from 7 ½ to 9 feet reduced to a 10 pound test.
Most of the bass are opportunistic feeders and they'll bite anything. In general, however, flies for low fishing are generally larger and influence a larger bite. Try small fish Muddler, clousy, buggers, poppers, leech patterns and river crabs. The size 8 or 10 would be a little small, while the size 2 or 1/0 would be too big, so opt for something intermediate.
The large spine lives in shallow-water habitats between reeds, water lilies and other vegetation that is naturally found in the waters. They adapt to warm waters in the range of 80 degrees and are seldom more than twenty feet deep. They prefer clear waters with little or no current. They remain quite active throughout the year, but tend to stay close to the bottom in the winter months.
The great low fly fishing can be found in several places throughout the United States. In the northeastern United States, try the rivers and streams in the Adirondack Mountains as Mohawk or Black Rivers. There are also some precious basses in the Great Lakes region. Southern Ontario in Canada can also provide great opportunities to catch bass trophies.
Low fly fishing can be a great experience for both fly fishermen and beginners with a little more experience. Fly fishing for the bass requires a little finesse and some tenacity when they bite. Stay with the fish and get some of the water you can be proud of!
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